Switzerland Practitioners

Zuerich, ZH Medbase Oerlikon joerg.eidenmueller@medbase.ch +41 77 4824599

Zuerich, ZH
Medbase Oerlikon
+41 77 4824599

Joreg Eidenmueller

Joerg works successfully as certified Complementary Therapist and Naturopath in Zuerich, Switzerland. His main interest is to support and balance physical, emotional and mental health. He works with clients of all age to relieve acute and chronic pain. He is also specialized on stress related disorders like restlessness, sleeping problem and panic attacks.

Joerg studied Aston Kinetics 2006-2019 in depth and is a certified Aston Patterning® practitioner.

Since his early youth he is fascinated by the large variety of movement styles. He practices Yoga, Tai Chi, Breathwork, Feldenkrais, Sacred Sound Works and Continuum Movement on a daily basis for more than 40 years.

As a very experienced bodyworker Joerg is using a broad scope of manual therapies – Shiatsu, Classic Massage, Reflexology and Craniosacral Osteopathy – to ease back pain, headaches and migraine.

He is certified in Applied Kinesiology and Trauma therapy and helps people with physical and emotional traumas back to a life at ease. As a passionate cyclist he loves to analyze and solve problems like multiple traumas through  sports or accidents.

Aston Kinetics lifted his movement knowledge and bodywork up to a new level of quality and clarity. People recommend him for his precise expertise, effective solutions and warm hearted humor.